E&A Law

 July 2024

Ana gave a keynote speech on Recent Cases and Future Trends in Energy Transition Disputes at an event organised by the Shanghai International Arbitration Center and the China International Contractors Association. This hybrid event was a great success, with over 40 professionals from domestic and international companies and law firms attending in person and more than 7,000 participants joining online, reflecting the global interest and importance of this topic. The full event summary can be viewed here (link)

 July 2024

Ana gave a seminar on Energy Transition Disputes: Recent Cases and Future trends at the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre. The seminar was followed by a panel discussion by lawyers from leading energy companies. (pdf)

 July 2024

During her in Beijing, Ana met with Mr Wang, the Secretary General of CIETAC, ranked amongst the top ten institutions in the world for resolving international commercial arbitration disputes. Ana has been listed on the panel of foreign arbitrators by CIETAC since 2019. (pdf)

 July 2024

After a three year break due to lockdowns, Ana returned to Beijing to teach Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes at UIBE’s Summer School.

 July 2024

Ana joined Arbitra International. (link)

 June 2024

Ana gave the key note speech at the 16th DEMSEE Conference in Crete and discussed the lawyer's perspective on the EU electricity market, (link)

 June 2024

Ana participated in the Club of Three meeting on the Western Balkans in Athens together with leading representatives of governments, civil society and business from the region as well as UK, France, Germany and Greece.

 May 2024

A summary of Ana's presentation on the financial models for building nuclear power plants was reported in Energetika.net (link)

 May 2024

Ana presented the different financing models to construct nuclear power plants at Energy and Finance 2024 Conference organised by Prosperia in Ljubljana. (link)

 May 2024

Together with Babatunde Ogunseitan (Moderator), Duncan Bagshaw, Olivier Mette, Paul Sills, Ana discussed LNG, Lithium, Hydrogen and Nuclear: Projects and Dispute Resolution in Africa at Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa in London. (link)

 April 2024

Ana (image) was asked by Gas Strategies to comment on the impact the possible banning of Russian LNG and the end of Ukrainian transit of Russian piped gas would have on Central Europe and in particular on Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia. (link)

 April 2024

Ana discussed the status of disputes under Gazprom Gas Supply and Transit Contracts as well as the Storage Levy Dispute between Germany on the one side and Austria and Czechia on the other at Flame, the leading gas Conference. (link)

 April 2024

The Academy of Sciences for the Sustainable Development of Slovenia organised the first scientific consultation on the Challenges to the Sustainable Development of Slovenia at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Together with emeritus prof. dr. Danilo Türk, former President of the Republic of Slovenia Ana presented a paper on the Challenges of Slovenia’s Energy Sustainable Transition in the Light of Geopolitical Changes. (pdf)

 January 2024

Ana appeared before the Slovenian Parliamentary Committee on Infrastructure and Environment to explain why the proposed amendment to the Environmental Protection Act to equate emission limit values for co-incineration plants with those of incineration plants is not in accordance with EU aquis on 17 January (link)

 January 2024

Ana discussed the challenges facing Slovenian companies due to inconsistencies between EU and Slovenian law in the leading Slovenian newspaper Delo (link)

 November 2023

Ana discussed the Future of Gas and Geopolitics as well as The Mechanisms for Resolving Energy Disputes during the training course organised by the Energy Regulators Regional Association in Prague (link)

 November 2023

The book Brexit and the Energy Law: Implications and Opportunities and which Ana co-edited with Silke Goldberg was reviewed by the Offshore Energies Industries Magazine. To read the review click (pdf)

 October 2023

Ana is ranked amongst the top five lawyers in Energy and Natural Resources: Power by Chambers & Partners. (link)

 October 2023

Ana moderated the opening session of the Barcelona International ADR Week Business Forum organised by Consolat de Mar, which featured Professor Dwight Golann and Gary Friedman, the two gurus of mediation. Later in the day, she co-led the workshop with Jonathan Lux on mediating and arbitrating commercial disputes. (link)

 October 2023

Ana participated in the seminar on International Investment Law and Arbitration in the Renewable Energy Sector – Quo Vadis? at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge (link). Dr Joanna Gomula and Dr Filip Balcerzak hosted the event. Dr Ana Maria Daza Vargas, Dr Markus Gehring, Prof. Winfried Huck, Simon Maynard, Dr Tibisay Morgandi and Prof. Zvenyslava Opeida were discussants.

 September 2023

Together with Paul Key KC, Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky, Samira Sulejmanović and Sebastian Lukic discussed the Specificities of Investment Arbitration and the Balkans as part of the Balkan Arbitration Conference held in Zagreb on 28 and 29 September. (link)

 September 2023

Ana spoke on the panel on the Role of the Geographical Diversity and Smaller States, Emerging Seats and Institutions together with Craig Tevendale, Dr. Dora Grunwald and Dr. Carri Ginter at the Edinburgh ArbFest23. (link)

 September 2023

Ana discussed the Differences and Similarities in Switzerland's and UK's Energy Relations with the EU' together with Jean-Christophe Füeg, the immediate past Head of International Energy Affairs at the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and Silke Goldberg during the Swiss launch of the book on Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities on 5 September in Zurich. The event was kindly hosted by Lalive.

 July 2023

Recording of the discussion at the book launch kindly made available by BREC (link to you tube) You can purchase the book on this (link)

 July 2023

Ana attended the launch of the book on Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, a book she co-edited with Silke Goldberg at the Brussels Press Club on 3 July. The discussion was moderated by Sir Philip Lowe who wrote the forward to the book and was hosted by the Brussels Energy Club. (link)

 June 2023

Ana was elected as member of the Board of Coppieters Foundation, a think tank based in Brussels promoting inter alia cultural and linguistic diversity, multilevel governance, decentralisation, state and constitutional reform, self-determination and protection of human rights in Europe. (link)

 June 2023

Ana discussed Energy Transition Disputes at the Climate Meets Arbitration event organised by Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in Lagos on 30 May. (image)

 May 2023

Ana joined Michal Meidan, the Director of Gas Research and China Energy Research Programmes at Oxford Institute of Energy Studies to discuss Russia and China Supply, Demand and Contractual Uncertainties at Flame in Amsterdam on 3 May. (link)

 May 2023

Ana discussed the Role the PCA will play in resolving energy transition disputes going forward as well as the Report prepared as the ICC Task Force on Climate Change back in 2019 at the International Arbitration Day in Barcelona (link)

 March 2023

We are happy to announce that Ana has qualified as a CEDR mediator.

 March 2023

Ana participated in a panel discussion on the Energy crisis: reality or new opportunities during the Annual Conference of the Cooperatives of Slovenia held in Portorož on 22 March. (photo)

 March 2023

Ana discussed the implications of Brexit for international commercial and investment treaty arbitration and for London as a seat of such arbitration and enforcement of foreign awards at the XIII Belgrade Arbitration Conference.

 March 2023

Ana explored the ability of state enterprises to invoke an act of its own government as force majeure during Hamburg Arbitration Days. (link)

 March 2023

The launch of the book Ana co-edited with Silke Goldberg, Brexit and Energy Law: Implications and Opportunities took place at Chatham House on 16 March 2023. (link)

 December 2022

Ana discussed with Snjólfur Richard Sverrisson of Montel whether Price caps are a joke in Montel’s Weekly Podcast. (link)

 December 2022

Ana explains why the price cap on gas cannot address the existential treat facing the EU in an article in the Petroleum Economist this week. (link)

 November 2022

Ana participated in the panel discussion on “ECT Modernization, Energy Transition in the Western Balkans” at the 8th Sarajevo Arbitration Day conference: Energy and Construction Dispute Resolution in a Sustainable Future. (pdf)

 November 2022

Ana joined leading gas industry speakers in Istanbul at the Regional Oil and Gas 2022 Conference. (link)

 November 2022

Ana participated in the panel discussion “Climate change meets international arbitration: a look ahead to 2030” as part of ICCUK Arb Conference in London.

 November 2022

Ana spoke about the new regulation of the European markets at the Energy and Law ’22, , 13th Summit of energy and legal executives held in Ljubljana. (link)

 October 2022

Ana was amongst the experts interviewed by Montel after the German Energy Day held in Dusseldorf on the impact of entering winter without Russian gas. (link to interview)

 October 2022

Ana discussed the price cap on gas, subsidies for energy companies and industry and other ideas being put forward by the European Commission and the forthcoming demand destruction at the Montel German Energy Day. (link)

 September 2022

Ana discussed the legal difficulties in introducing caps on the price of electricity and gas as well as state aid plans to avoid demand destruction in the leading Slovenian newspaper Delo on 5th September 2022. (link)

 August 2022

Ana participated in the panel discussion “Collateral casualty: The war in Ukraine and the death of EU strategic autonomy” with ALEXANDRE ADAM, Europe Adviser, Private Office of the President of the Republic, France, MICHAEL ROTH, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, German Bundestag and KONRAD SZYMAŃSKI, Minister for European Union Affairs of the Republic of Poland. The panel was moderated by GREGOIRE ROOS, Lead, Political Dialogue & Strategy, BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Germany. The panel took place at Bled Strategic Forum on 30th August. (link)

 July 2022

Ana participated in the panel discussion ‘Renewable Energy Investments and State Perspective’ on 15th July 2022 at Durham Law School during the Global Energy Transition and Investment Disputes conference. (link). She discussed the types of investment treaty disputes which energy transition may lead. (link)

 June 2022

Ana has been appointed by the European Commission as an arbitrator and trade and sustainable development expert in respect of bilateral disputes under the EU's trade and investments agreements with third countries. (link)

 June 2022

Ana participated in a panel discussion for the International Smart City Congress 2022, held in Algeria. Ana discussed EU Energy transition and what this means for MENA countries. The session Chairman was Alain P. Steven, CEO of Energy One Solutions International – Former Secretary General of GO15. (link)


 May 2022

Ana was quoted in Politico re. Russian "rouble decree" and impact of EU sanctions on gas imports from Russia (pdf)

 May 2022

Ana took part in the panel discussion on “The legal aspects of European long term contracts with Russia and alternative contracts with China” with Michal Meidan, Director of the Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. The panel was moderated by Jonathan Stern, Chairman and Distinguished Research Fellow, Natural Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. The panel took place on 4th May at the Flame Annual Conference, Amsterdam. Flame is Europe’s leading Natural Gas, low carbon, and LNG conference. (link)

 April 2022

Ana was invited to discuss EU energy independence and its feasibility on the Montel Weekly podcast. Listen to the full episode here: (link)

 March 2022

Ana gave her annual Brexit and Energy lecture at Technische Universität in Berlin.  Routledge will be publishing a book she is editing with Silke Goldberg, partner at Herbert Smith Freehills, on Brexit and Energy later this year. 

 February 2022

Ana discussed “Energy Transition: Impact on Energy Disputes in the Middle East” at the International Law Summit’s (ILS) 5th Annual Conference on Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa. (link)

December 2021

Ana moderated a panel on "Conflict of Interest in Arbitration – Drawing the line" at the 29th Croatian Arbitration Days. (link)

November 2021

Ana discussed “The Russia’s future as a European gas supplier” together with Danila Bochkarev at the S&P Global Platts European Gas & LNG Virtual Conference. (link)

November 2021

Ana discussed “Challenges of applying the EU law in everyday life” at the Slovenian Legal Conference entitled "United in Practice” organised by the Office of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Legislation as part of the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the EU 2021. (link)

November 2021

Ana spoke on “New financial instruments for zero-carbon – What opportunities does the Just Transition Mechanism offer to energy companies?” at the Energy and Law ’21 forum. (link)

November 2021

Ana took part in the panel discussion on "Decarbonizing international trade through carbon pricing" during the Climate Law and Governance Day in Glasgow as part of the COP26. (link)

WAU(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

November 2021

Ana joined the panel on “The Green Transition: A 360 View” which took place as part of the first ever Turkish Arbitration Week. The event was organised by Energy Disputes Arbitration Center (EDAC). She discussed the green transition, the current investment treaty claims arising as a result thereof and what kind of investor-state energy transition disputes we can expect to see in the future. (link)

WAU(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

October 2021

Ana has been invited to join the international Programme Committee for the Climate Law and Governance Initiative. (link)

October 2021

Ana took part in the panel discussion on "Arbitration Boutiques and Solo Practitioners - Can they Compete and Provide World Class Service in International Investment and Commercial Arbitration?" during World Arbitration Update. (link)

WAU(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

September 2021

Ana spoke at a round table entitled “Key aspects of Restructuring and Closure of the Velenje Coal Mine”. The round table was part of a two-day conference “Welcome, Future! With Green Deal to Life Quality” organised by the Municipality of Velenje. (link)

September 2021

Ana participated in a panel on “The Green Transition: Incentives and Risks” as part of the “Investment Arbitration and the Green Transition” webinar. She discussed the complexities of the EU regulatory framework concerning energy transition, biodiversity and water conservation. The webinar was organised by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP as a part of the Paris Arbitration Week 2021. (link)

September 2021

Ana discussed "Role of Nuclear in Energy Transition: Political and Regulatory Implications" and moderated a panel on "Environment and back end of the fuel cycle" at the International Conference Nuclear Energy for Europe NENE2021 in Bled. (link)

July 2021

Ana was invited to join the panel of arbitrators of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR).

July 2021

Ana moderated a panel on "Geopolitics of energy. Northern Stream and the role of global players: Germany-Russia-USA. A war of all against all" at the 5th INTERENEF International Energy Forum in Split. She was joined by Konstantin Simonov, Dr Katja Yafimava and Matthias Dornfeld. (link).

July 2021

Ana is teaching again "Settlement of International Commercial and Inter-State Disputes" at UIBE - a leading university in China.

June 2021

Ana has been reappointed to the list of foreign arbitrators by CIETAC. (link)

June 2021

Ana took part in the workshop on "Effective conduct of arbitration proceedings" organised by Associatio Arbitri.

June 2021

Ana discussed "Investment protection and environmental /climate change considerations: current challenges and synergies in the energy sector" at the Expert workshop on Energy investments tangled in the EU Bermuda Triangle: The ECT at crossroads between investment protection, environmental protection and climate change mitigation measures?, organised by the Utrecht University. (link)

May 2021

Ana took part in the panel discussion on EU and Slovenian Environmenal law at Prosperia' conference Energy and Environment ‘21. (link)

March 2021

Ana discussed "Ramifications of Achmea decision on enforcement of investment treaty arbitral awards: recent cases" at an online event organised by Associació pel Foment de l’Arbitratge (AFA) and KPMG Spain. (link)

February 2021

Ana moderated a panel on "Hydrogen and Renewables Strategy — implications and opportunities for the countries of South-East Europe (SEE)" at a Brussels Energy Club meeting. (link)

February 2021

Ana discussed "What do we need to know about the new EU Regulation on energy infrastructure and especially about Hydrogen?" at the 8th Energy and Regulation Forum '21 (Forum Energetika in Regulativa '21). (link)

January 2021

Ana gave her annual Brexit and Energy lecture at the Technische Universität in Berlin.

December 2020

Kluwer Arbitration Blog published Ana's article “Does the Advocate General’s Opinion Provide Clarity on the Validity of Intra-EU ECT Investor-State Arbitral Awards?”. (link)

December 2020

Ana Stanič participated in a panel on “Women in international arbitration” which opened Washington Arbitration Week together with Mónica Jiménez, Melissa Stear Gorslin, and Ashley Riveira and which was moderated by Margarita R. Sánchez. (link)

December 2020

Ana discussed "Repercussions of Achmea Judgment - Recent Decisions of CJEU, the Courts in the EU and World-wide?" at the 28th Croatian Arbitration Days. (pdf)

December 2020

Ana co-authored a chapter "EU Public Policy, Enforcement of awards and Nord Stream 2" with Clemens Treichl in an article entitled "The Vienna Propositions for Safeguarding Public Interest, Public Policy, Competition and Insolvency in International Arbitration" (Pitkowitz et al.), soon to be published in the Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration 2021. (pdf)

December 2020

Ana co-authored a Report on the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (Singapore Mediation Convention that came into effect in September 2020) with Joachim Delaney. (link)

November 2020

Ana discussed the “Complete overhaul of EU energy law in just one year: how to manage change and prepare for it” and participated in a round-table on “How to successfully realise energy projects” at 11th Forum Energy and Law. (link)

November 2020

Ana published a chapter on "How to Maximise Investor Protection Post-Achmea and Post-Brexit" in the International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG), Investor-State Arbitration 2021 edition. (link)

November 2020

Ana participated at the 22nd Business Conference Portorož, discussing "Which EU funds are available for green and digital transformation projects of companies and how to secure them" together with Francesco Ferrero, the Head of EIB in Slovenia (link).

PKP 2020(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

October 2020

Ana co-authored an article with Sohbet Karbuz on "The challenges facing Eastern Mediterranean gas and how international law can help overcome them" in The Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law (link).

October 2020

At the ICC Australia Virtual Conference, Ana set out the key changes in the recently revised ICC Rules on Arbitration which will enter into force on 1 January 2021. (link)

October 2020

Ana participated in the BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Table on Time to Act for a Democratic Europe on 8 and 9 October 2020.

October 2020

In Montel’s Weekly podcast Ana discusses with Richard Sverisson: the recent developments concerning Nord Stream 2 and why she thinks the project will in the end be completed; the importance of gas including Russian gas (given its lower carbon footprint) in achieving the ambitious EU Green Deal 2030 and 2050 targets; the tectonic changes the EU Green Deal envisages for EU economy as a whole and the energy sector in particular and the ambitious timetable for the adoption of the legislation; and last and not least, Brexit. (link)

September 2020

Ana chaired a round table on Funds and Grants for Green Transition at the conference on Financial Measures for Green and Circular Economy Transition organised by CER, the Center of Energy Efficient Solutions, in Ljubljana. (link)

INTERENEF 2020(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

September 2020

Ana was quoted in Rachel Millard's article Putin's gas bonanza under threat as poisoning poses security test in the Sunday Telegraph. (pdf)

September 2020

Ana discussed EU environmental law as relevant to nuclear facilities at the 29th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe – NENE2020 in Portorož, Slovenia. In particular, she discussed the best practices in conducting EIAs, the role of the Commission and why ensuring close co-operation between the lawyers and engineers is key to a successful EIA. (link)

INTERENEF 2020(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

August 2020

Ana co-authored an article with Yan Gao (Zhong Lun Law) on 'FDI Screening Laws of EU Countries to have significant implications on Investors and Transaction', published in Wolters Kluwers' China Law & Reference. (link to article in Chinese) (link to article in English)

August 2020

Ana spoke about disputes in the East Mediterranean in Slovene political TV programme Odmevi.

INTERENEF 2020(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

August 2020

In an article in Gas Transitions, Ana Stanič and Alex Barnes from Oxford Institute of Energy Studies explain why the European Commission’s Hydrogen Strategy is an important first step towards the creation of an European hydrogen market, but only a first step. They highlight the significant regulatory gaps that remain and call for a new approach to devising regulatory frameworks (link).

July 2020

Ana discussed international law dimensions of East Mediterranean disputes at the 4th International Energy Forum INTERENEF in Split (pdf).

INTERENEF 2020(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

July 2020

In the summer edition of the Odvetnik Magazine Ana's article entitled "Changes in Slovenian environmental law may not be in line with the EU law" is published in which she analyses the recent changes in Slovenian law laying down stricter conditions for Non-Governmental Organisations to participate in EIAs and why such changes present greater risks for companies seeking to obtain development permits. The article is available in Slovene (pdf).

July 2020

Ana presented the opportunities the EU Next Generation Package worth Euro 750 billion brings to the energy sector and presented the time frame for taking advantage of these opportunities at the 10th Green Energy Summit on 9 July 2020 in Brdo pri Kranju (link).

July 2020

Ana published an article on "ICSID Trumps State Aid in the UK but Uncertainty Remains Regarding Enforcement of New York Convention Awards in post-Brexit UK" in the European State Aid Law Quarterly. On 19 February 2020, the UK Supreme Court unanimously held that by virtue of Article 351 TFEU UK’s obligations under the ICSID Convention trump its duty of sincere co-operation under Article 4(3) TFEU to give effect to a State aid decision of the European Commission. (pdf)

June 2020

Ana wrote an article “State aid to help mitigate the effects of Covid-19: a comparison of European and Slovenian measures” published in Pravna praksa. Article is available in Slovene (pdf).

June 2020

Ana addressed the AmCham Business Leaders Club on changes in national security review of foreign direct investment legislation in Slovenia.

June 2020

With oil and gas prices at record lows, Ana teamed up with Dr Sohbet Karbuz, Senior non-resident fellow at Bilkent University Energy Policy Research Center, to write a study on "The Commercial Challenges Facing Eastern Mediterranean Gas" for the Special Issue of Oil, Gas & Energy Law (OGEL) on Liquefied Natural Gas. (pdf)

June 2020

Ana took part in a panel discussion with Dr Markus Burgstaller, Professor Dieter Grimm and Professor Miguel Poiares Maduro on the implications of the recent German Constitutional Court decision which found the Court of Justice of the EU decision regarding ECB ultra vires. (link)

May 2020

Ana was interviewed by Mladina (a Slovenian magazine), Energetika.net and Nas Stik (Slovenian energy magazine) on (i) the state aid measures adopted by Slovenia and other EU countries in response to Covid-19; (ii) recent decision of German Constitutional Court re. ECB and what it implies for the future of the EU and Covid-19 financial package; (iii) why the recent change in the Slovenian law to limit the ability of NGOs to participate in EIAs is unlikely to be compatible with EU environmental law; and (iv) what can Slovenia do to accelerate the completion of investment projects. (pdf - Mladina) (pdf - Naš stik) (pdf - Energetika.net)

May 2020

We are pleased to announce that the book co-edited by Dr Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič on The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU will be released by WoltersKluwer in July 2020. In the meantime, an interview about Achmea and ISDS, as well as the book, is available on WoltersKluwer website. (link)

April 2020

Ana published a short article on the Enforcement of Intra-EU BIT and ECT Awards in the UK Post Micula and Post Brexit on the Kluwer blog. (link)

February 2020

At Vienna Arbitration Days Ana moderated an engaging discussion on the enforcement of investment treaty arbitral awards and the interplay between EU law and investment treaty law post Achmea and in light of recent UK Supreme Court decision in the Micula case with input from inter alia lawyers from Austria, US, Hungary, Austria and UK. Implications for Nord Stream 2 and international commercial arbitrations in general were also discussed. (link)

February 2020

Ana Stanič co-authored an article on “What Can Arbitration and Human Rights as Mechanisms of Dispute Resolution Learn from Each Other in Order to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change?” that was published in the ICCA Sydney 2018 Congress Book”. (pdf)

January 2020

Ana gave her annual Brexit and Energy lecture at the Technische Universität in Berlin.

December 2019

Ana took part in a panel discussing Achmea Judgment at 27th Croatian Arbitration Days in Zagreb. (link)

November 2019

In a lecture on Resolving Energy Disputes at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ana discussed inter-state maritime boundary disputes concerning oil and gas, international commercial and investment disputes concerning energy projects, European Commission investigations concerning energy projects and WTO disputes.

November 2019

Ana took part in the DIS-CIETAC panel discussion on "Early conflict resolution and efficiency in arbitration proceedings" by sharing her experience as both counsel and arbitrator in commercial arbitrations. The panel amongst other things discussed the importance of understanding cultural and other traditions when seeking to resolve disputes. (link)

October 2019

Ana discussed Building the Future Together in the East Mediterranean: International Law Perspective at the 10th Energy Summit in Antalya. (link)

10 Energy Summit(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

October 2019

Ana spoke to the Croatian Association of Experts and Valuers on the Role of Experts in International Investment Arbitrations at their Annual Conference in Zagreb. (link)

September 2019

Ana Stanič discussed the legal and practical implications of the recent decision of the EU Court of Justice regarding OPAL exemption for Nord Stream 2 and other gas transit routes for Russian gas to Europe as well as the future of gas in the EU at the Platts European Gas & LNG Conference in Amsterdam. (link)

PLATTS(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

September 2019

Ana shared her views with leading arbitration lawyers in Minsk regarding ways arbitrators should tackle document disclosure, privilege and confidentiality in arbitrations in CEE and CIS countries as part of the ICC Institute Training: The conduct of the proceedings and case management - The arbitrator’s perspective. (link)

September 2019

Ana took part in a panel discussing the implications of Achmea and Micula judgements of the Court of Justice of the EU during the Arbitral Women event 'Old Battles New Battlegrounds? A Fresh Look at Trends in Investment Law and ISDS' emphasising the enforcement implications for arbitral awards that do not follow the court's reasoning. (link)

June 2019

Ana discussed the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as a mechanism of dispute resolution in the SEE region as part of seminar E&A Law organised together with Deloitte and Arbitration Association in Sarajevo on 11 June 2019. (link)

June 2019

Ana shared her experience as counsel and arbitrator of construction contracts internationally and the SEE region at the ICC Conference on Effective Management and Dispute Resolution under FIDIC in Zagreb on 6 June 2019. (link)

June 2019

Together with Tijana Lalić (Prica & Partners) and Jovan Nikčević (BIT), Ana discussed the role of witnesses and expert witnesses in arbitration proceedings at a seminar organised by Arbitration Association of Serbia at Faculty of Law on 4 June 2019 in Belgrade. (link)

May 2019

Ana discussed the role of human rights in public procurement and energy infrastructure projects as well on ways in which companies are being held liable for breaches of human rights before courts and arbitral tribunals including regarding climate change at the important conference organised by Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce on Business and Human Rights on 31 May 2019 in Ljubljana. (link)

May 2019

Ana has been appointed as a member of the Court of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague. The PCA is the oldest dispute resolution institution in the world and was set up in 1899 for the peaceful resolution of disputes between states. (link)

May 2019

Ana discussed whether courts or politicians will be shaping the future of the energy sector at the Montel’s German Energy Day which took place on 9 May 2019 in Düsseldorf. (link)

April 2019

Ana was commissioned by Japan Oil and Gas Metal Corporation to write an article on LNG and gas price reviews in the EU: Lessons for Japan. (link)

March 2019

Ana Stanič discussed the jurisdictional and enforcement implications of the CJEU decision in the Achmea case at the International Arbitration Conference which took place on 28-29 March in Skopje. (link)

March 2019

Ana discussed the needs for faster development of the green economy at the 1. Green Tech Innovation Breakfast which took place on 8 March in Slovenia. (link)

March 2019

Ana Stanič gave statement for the News programme on Slovenian National Television RTV 1 on the courts becoming the new front line in climate change action. (link)

January 2019

Ana discussed innovations for the electricity market at the 6th Forum Energetika in regulativa 2019 which took place in Slovenia on 30 January 2019. (link)

December 2018

Ana Stanič discussed the enforcement and other implications of the Court of Justice of the EU’s decision in the Achmea case at the 26th Croatian Arbitration Days. (link)

November 2018

Ana Stanič participated in the panel organised by the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce on The future of energy in the light of global changes at Lloyd's on 30 November. (link)

November 2018

Ana Stanič discussed The Legal Challenges for Energy Companies in the EU at the 9 Forum of Energetika in pravo 2018 which took place on 30 November in Slovenia. (link)

November 2018

Ana Stanič discussed how human rights law and arbitration can be improved to meet the challenges of climate change at the Climate Change, Responsibility and Liability Conference which took place on 8 - 10 November 2018 in Graz. (link to programme)

October 2018

Ana Stanič participated in the Munich European Forum: Building a Strong Europe for Citizens which took place on 25 - 26 October in Munich. (link)

October 2018

Ana Stanič discussed the Implications of Climate Change on Energy Projects as part of The Fourth Sarajevo Arbitration Day which took place on 24 October in Sarajevo. (link)

October 2018

Ana Stanič discussed investor protection in the wake of the rise of nationalism in the EU as part of the Energy Law Conference: Oil and Gas Arbitrations which took place on 23 October in Edinburgh. (link)

October 2018

Ana Stanič spoke at the 12th Annual European Gas & Energy Forum which took place on 17 - 18 October in London. (link)

September 2018

As part of the Gastech 2018 Conference Ana Stanič discussed the implications on gas in the EU of the recent WTO decision against the EU, the discussions on Nord Stream 2 and the recently agreed targets for energy efficiency and renewables. Other speakers were: Geoffroy Hureau, Secretary General (CEDIGAZ), Hue Lim Kim, Head of Gas & LNG Trading (Repsol, S.A.) (link)

September 2018

Ana Stanič took part in the panel discussion on Climate Change and Security Dynamics at the Bled Strategic Forum taking place in Slovenia. She discussed how climate change litigation can force states to adopt effective climate change policies. The panellists were: Mome Saleem (Program Coordinator Ecology at Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Pakistan), Aira Kalela (Senior Adviser at the Office of the President Tarja Halonen, Finland), Adil Najam (Dean of Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, United States of America) and Danilo Türk, Former President of the Republic of Slovenia). (link)

August 2018

Together with Angus Robertson, the former deputy leader of the Scottish National Party, Ana Stanič discussed The future of the EU: The challenges of self-determination at the European Forum Alpbach 2018 which took place on 26 – 28 August in Alpbach, Austria. (link)

BIAC(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

August 2018

Ana Stanič was interviewed by the Croatian business weekly Lider to comment on the implications of the European Court of Justice’s decision in the Achmea case for international investment arbitration and intra-EU relations. (link)

July 2018

Ana Stanič spoke on Foreign investment rules in the energy sector at the workshop organised by E&A Law in conjunction with Zhong Lun Law Firm and Beijing Arbitration Commission which took place on 25 July at 2pm at the Zhong Lun Law Firm offices in Beijing. (link)

BIAC(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

July 2018

Ana Stanič was one of the authors of the study Review of the national rules for protection of infrastructures relevant for security of supply. (link)

July 2018

Ana Stanič spoke on Recent developments impacting on gas pricing and the oil and gas sectors in the EU at the workshop organised by the China Overseas Development Association, Broad & Bright Law Firm and Beijing Arbitration Commission in Beijing on 19 July 2018. (link) (link)

BIAC(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

June 2018

Ana Stanič took part in the panel discussion on The Nature of Negotiation at the Invisible Dust’s conference Under Her Eye: Women and Climate Change in London on 1 June 2018. (link)

May 2018

Ana Stanič discussed why the Commission’s proposal to amend the Gas Directive is incompatible with EU’s obligations under international law as part of the panel discussion Pipelines & Interconnectors: Europe cornered by supply? at Flame 2018. The other panellists were Wolfgang Peters (The Gas Value Chain), Miroslav Bodnár (Eustream), Wouter Koopman (Shell), Reinhard Ontyd (Nord Stream 2), Andreas Rau (NET4GAS).

Ana Stanič also chaired the discussion on Supplies to Europe at Flame. (link)

May 2018

E&A Law and Deloitte in cooperation with Stalna Arbitraža at the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, ICC Croatia and Croatian Chamber of Economy organised one day seminars on practical questions concerning commercial and investment treaty arbitration in Ljubljana and Zagreb on 7 and 8 May 2018. (link)


April 2018

Ana Stanič participated in the panel on Potential of Arbitration Involving New Types of Claims at the ICCA 2018 in Sydney, Australia. (link)

ICCA 2018(click on the photo to enlarge it.)

April 2018

On the occasion of the Paris Arbitration Week E&A Law Limited and Leboulanger & Associés organised a conference on Overcoming Challenges in Arbitration and ADR: The User's and Counsel's Perspective. The event was held on 12 April 2018 and supported by the ICC and Global Pound Conference. (link)

March 2018

Ana Stanič gave evidence to the European Economic and Social Committee on 8 March on the implications of the European Commission’s proposal to amend the gas directive to address concerns over Nord Stream 2. She emphasised the incompatibility of the proposal with the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the WTO Agreements and the Energy Charter Treaty. (link to video) (link to programme)

March 2018

Ana Stanič discussed whether Turk Stream will energise borders between East and West during the CEE Gastech Conference taking place in Zagreb on 7 and 8 March 2018 (link). In the lead up to the conference Ana gave an interview in which she discussed the need for the CEE region to focus on delivering a transparent and stable regulatory environment for gas and addressing the re-emerging role of state incumbents in the energy sector. (link)

March 2018

Ana Stanič chaired the panel on The Impact of One Belt One Road on energy disputes in MEA at the 3rd Annual Conference on Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa on 6 March 2018. (link)

January 2018

Ana Stanič gave a full day seminar on the impact of Brexit on the UK and EU energy sectors and policies at Technische Universität Berlin on 25th January 2018.

January 2018

Ana Stanič has contributed a chapter on drafting and negotiating financing clauses in investment agreements in the energy sector as part of an initiative of the Energy Charter Secretariat to offer guidance to governments when entering into complex negotiations in the energy sector. The Handbook on General Provisions Applicable to Investment Agreements in the Energy Sector is available in this link.

December 2017

Ana Stanič took part in the panel discussion concerning procedural issues in commercial arbitration during the 25th Croatian Arbitration Days on 7 – 8 December 2017 in Zagreb. (link)

October 2017

Legal 500 has ranked E&A Law amongst the top 30 law firms in the world in public international law and international arbitration. (link)

October 2017

Ana Stanič chaired a conference panel on Regional Challenges in CEE region at ICC’s Conference on International Arbitration that took place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 13 October 2017. (link)

October 2017

Ana Stanič discussed renewable energy arbitrations with Mr Jordi Sellares and Mr Carlos Sole at a breakfast meeting organized by the Association for the Promotion of Arbitration (AFA) and KPMG on 6 October 2017 in Barcelona. (link)

September 2017

Ana Stanič presented a paper on Hinkley Point C, EU State Aid and Brexit at 26th Annual Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE) Conference on 12 September 2017 on Bled, Slovenia. (link)

August 2017

Ana Stanič took part in EURACTIV’s round table discussion on Nord Stream 2 and the Energy Union: Friends or Foes? in Brussels. The discussion took place on 6 September. For more information see (link)

July 2017

Ana Stanič discussed with a leading gas expert Bill Barnes whether US LNG will remain priced out of Europe in an article published by Natural Gas World last week. (link)

July 2017

Ana Stanič participated in the panel on Energy, Security and Climate Challenges, co-chaired by Mr. Abbas Ali Al Naqi, Secretary General of OAPEC and Mrs. Hakima El Haite, Former Minister of Environment & Special Envoy for COP 22, Morocco. (link)

June 2017

Ana Stanič discussed the recent developments in Chinese Energy Law with leading Chinese energy lawyer Libin Zhang at 2017 London Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China. (link)

June 2017

Ana Stanič published an article on Security of Supply, IGAs and Energy Union in Natural Gas World Magazine on June 5, 2017. (link)

May 2017

Ana Stanič presented a paper entitled Nuclear Energy Law in Europe: The Brexit Impact at 6th UBCEES Extractive Energy Conference: Nuclear Law and Policy Post-Brexit. (link)

May 2017

Ana Stanic discussed Brexit, Trump and the Rise of Populism in Europe: Risk and Opportunities for China, Beijing Arbitration Commission, 24 May 2017.

May 2017

Ana Stanič wrote a post entitled ‘Energy Union, Security of Supply and IGAs: Latest developments in EU law impacting gas’ on Flame’s website. (link)

May 2017

Ana Stanič discussed the legal aspects of the European Energy Union and Pipelines and Interconnectors at the Flame Conference on 11th May in Amsterdam. (link)

May 2017

Ana Stanič discusses Brexit and other topical issues on a TV current affairs programme in Barcelona. (link)

May 2017

Ana Stanič has been listed as an arbitrator by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). CIETAC is a leading arbitration institution in the world. (link)

April 2017

Ana Stanič spoke on "Brexit, Trump and Trade: Fasten Your Seat Belts - Bumpy Ride Ahead" at Breakbulk Annual Conference on 25th April in Antwerp. (link)

April 2017

Ana Stanič discusses why Brexit negotiations will be multilateral in nature and involve multiple stakeholders in an article published in CITYAM. (link)

March 2017

Ana Stanič provided updates on EU energy law, including on Security of Supply, Intergovernmental agreements as well as Brexit at the 23rd Annual BBSPA Conference on 6th - 7th April 2017 in Vienna. (link)

March 2017

Ana Stanič spoke at Interfax’s seminar “Brexit and the Energy Union: Are we prepared?” on 29th March 2017 in Brussels. (link to Interfax's article)

March 2017

Ana Stanič spoke at Aspire to Lead, an event organised in Slovenia by PWC on 20 March 2017. She was asked to tell her story and speak about 26 years of Slovenian independence. (photo)

March 2017

Ana Stanič spoke on EU’s Winter Package, the future of gas in Europe and the impact of Brexit on energy development at En.Odmev 017: New business Models in Energy Sector Conference on 9 March 2017 in Ljubljana. (link) (video)

February 2017

Ana Stanič was interviewed by Energetika.net, a leading energy news portal on EU's Winter Package, Energy Security and Nord Stream 2, and Brexit. (link)

February 2017

Ana Stanič spoke at the Central & Eastern European Gas Conference on the panel “Policy, Support and Regulation: EU, Regional and Domestic outlook for gas supply and transfer under the microscope« in Zagreb 15th February. (link)

February 2017

Ana Stanič spoke on “How Will Winter Package Shape the Electricity and Gas Market?” at the Energy and Regulation Conference in Ljubljana on 1st February. (link)

December 2016

Ana Stanič expresses support for the initiative in Croatia to set up a separate government agency dealing exclusively with investment arbitrations brought against Croatia in an interview in Poslovni Dnevnik. (link)

December 2016

Ana Stanič spoke on International Legal Framework for Investing in Oil and Gas in Algeria at OGEX 2016 in Oran, Algeria. (link)

November 2016

E&A Law as co-counsel successfully defended the Republic of Croatia in an investment treaty arbitration brought under the Rules of ICSID. The tribunal dismissed the claim for USD 32 million in damages brought by members of the van Riet family against Croatia pursuant to the Belgium-Croatia Bilateral Investment Treaty by failing to provide accurate information on the planning status of land they purchased for development. The majority of the Tribunal rejected the Claimants’ criticisms of Croatia’s planning laws and emphasised that investors must bear the consequences of their failure to engage experts to carry out the due diligence before making an investment. (link)

October 2016

Ana Stanič published an article on "Overview of EU Energy Law" in Legal Aspects of EU Energy Regulation, Oxford University Press. (link)

October 2016

Ana Stanič published an article on "Brexit: Tectonic Changes in Europe" in MQ Magazin. (Available in Slovene here: link)

October 2016

Ana Stanič spoke on TTIP at Eurogrowth 2016 Conference in Barcelona on 21st October 2016. (link)

October 2016

Ana Stanič lead a Workshop on Recent Developments in EU Energy Law and Policy at Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) on 11th October 2016. (link)

September 2016

Ana Stanič spoke at Conference of the European Energy Policy Chair of the College of Europe in Bruges in a roundtable on »Staying connected – the UK's principal options after Brexit« on 30th September 2016. (link)

September 2016

Ana Stanič spoke at Energy Economics & Industry Conference 2016 at the roundtable on Experiences from today’s energy investments with super best practises from IAEE on 29th September. (link)

September 2016

Ana Stanič spoke on Investing in Energy Projects in the EU: Key Legal Obstacles at the Bocconi University on 27th September. (pdf)

September 2016

Ana Stanič co-published an article with John Hulsman in City AM, the most read London newspaper explaining why CETA plus is the most likely Brexit option to be adopted by the UK Government. (link)

August 2016

Ana Stanič was interviewed by Gas Strategies on Brexit and Nord Stream 2. (pdf)

July 2016

Ana Stanič was interviewed by Mladina, a leading Slovenian journal, about her career as a lawyer, Slovenian independence, the importance of the rule of law, the Catalan independence process, TTIP, and plastics in the ocean... Interview is available in Slovene. (pdf)

July 2016

Ana Stanič published a commentary "Getting the Best from the UK/EU Divorce" in Natural Gas Europe. Read more

July 2016

Ana Stanič commented for Interfax on European Commission's proposal to amend the Decision on Intergovernmental Agreements in the field of energy currently discussed by the Parliament. Read more

June 2016

Ana Stanič lead two workshops on EU Energy Law and Resolving Energy Disputes in the EU at CIETEC in Beijing on 23-24 June 2016. Read more

June 2016

Ana Stanič discussed EU Energy Law, Investment Security and an Honest Look at the Prospects for Nord Stream Expansion at the Brussels Energy Club, 13th June 2016. Read more

June 2016

Ana Stanič discussed Lessons From Fukushima: Review of Actions Taken at the EU and International Level at the 11th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society in Zadar, 5-8 June 2016. Read more

May 2016

Ana Stanič spoke at FLAME Conference discussing "Understanding the European Commission's Competition Decisions & Their Potential Impact on Pricing". Read more

May 2016

Ana Stanič discussed the Increased Regulatory Risk in the EU in the Slovenian electricity industry magazine, Naš Stik. Read more

April 2016

Ana Stanič has been appointed as one of the members of the Scottish Arbitration Centre’s advisory panel regarding its bid to host the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Congress 2020. Read more

March 2016

Ana Stanič was interviewed by Lawyer Monthly, Issue 71-16. Read more

March 2016

Ana Stanič discussed the Contractual Mechanisms for Protecting Investments at the 1st Annual Conference on Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa in London. She also lead two Workshops on: (a) investment treaty disputes and (b) boundary Disputes. Read more

March 2016

Ana Stanič discussed Ways to Develop Oil and Gas Reserves which Straddle Disputed Maritime Borders in the East Med at the 7th Mediterranean Oil & Gas Forum 2016 in Cyprus. Read more - - Photo

January 2016

Ana Stanič published an article titled "EU Energy Law: Increased Regulatory Risk and Ways to Reduce It" in The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2016. Read more

November 2015

Ana Stanič attended 1st Berlin Global Forum discussing Europe’s energy security, China’s New Silk Road concept and the global dimensions of the refugee crisis. Read more

November 2015

Ana Stanič discussed what the 2016 will bring in new EU legislation for the energy sector at the Energy Law Business Forum. Read more

October 2015

Ana Stanič discussed EU/Russia Energy Relations through the prism of EU law at the Energy Arbitration Conference. Read more

October 2015

Ana Stanič discussed the latest developments in the South Gas Corridor at the  2nd London and Gas Forum 2015. Read more

April 2015

Ana Stanič discussed Price Review Arbitrations, Energy Union and other EU developments with implications for European Gas Prices at Flame 2015 in Amsterdam. The presentation is available on request.

November 2014

Ana Stanič took part in a panel discussion together with representative of BP and the European Commission on EU Energy Security in Brussels.

November 2014

Ana Stanič discussed whether the revised nuclear safety rules adopted by the EU in July this year will enhance nuclear safety or risk fragmenting international standards. Read more

October 2014

Ana Stanič discussed the Four Lessons the EU should learn regarding Energy Security in the Journal of the Royal Institute of Strategic Affairs’s Journal. Read more

September 2014

Ana Stanič discussed at the Platt’s Annual Gas Conference in Berlin why she does not expect the new EU institutions to address the concerns of the industry about the growing regulatory risks providing instead practical ways to minimise it.

May 2014

Ana Stanič discussed the Implications of Gas Price Arbitrations and Recent Development in EU Law on Gas Prices at Flame 2014. Read more

February/March 2014

Ana Stanič discussed whether EU as Applicable Law in Energy Contracts is a New Source of Friction at the Vienna Arbitration Days 2014. Read more

January 2014

E&A Law’s article discussing the Key Developments in EU Oil and Gas Law in 2014 was published in the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2014 Edition. Read more

October 2013

Ana Stanič discussed the relationship between the EU and the ECT and the contractual mechanisms for minimising regulatory risks at the Energy Charter Secretariat Knowledge Centre three day executive training programme designed specifically to assist younger generation energy professionals to better understand energy security held in Brussels from 28 to 30 October 2013. Read more

September 2013

Ana Stanič discussed whether EU Energy Law is a source of uncertainty at the Platts 7th European Gas Summit conference in Vienna, Austria on 19-20 September. Read more

June 2013

Ana Stanič discussed the Legal Framework of the Southern Gas Corridor and Some of the Outstanding Issues of EU law at the 20th Caspian Oil and Gas Conference which took place in Baku, Azerbaijan on 5-6 June Read more

April 2013

Ana Stanič discussed the International Legal Framework for Oil and Gas Investments in the Eastern Mediteranean at the Eastern Mediternaean New Frontiers Conference in London.Read more

March 2013

Ana Stanič discussed the Southern Gas Corridor: The Legal Framework and EU Law at the Georgian International Oil, Gas, Infrastructure and Energy Conference in Tbilisi on 26 March 2013.

December 2012

Ana Stanič discussed Bribery in Arbitration in England: from Westacre case to the Bribery Act 2010 at the 20th Annual Arbitration Conference in Zagreb, Croatia.

November 2012

Ana Stanič discussed the EU Stress Tests and the Recent Developments at the EU Level concerning Nuclear Safety at the International Workshop-REMOO 2012, conference organised by Renecon and supported by inter alia European Nuclear Society and World Nuclear Association

November 2012

Ana Stanič discussed the Role of a Lawyer in Arbitration at the Slovenian Arbitration Conference held at the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce on 5 November 2012. Read more

October 2012

Ana Stanič discussed the Southern Gas Corridor: Recent Developments and Legal Implications at the Gastech 2012 Conference in London. Read more

May 2012

Ana Stanič presents a paper on EU’s energy infrastructure policy and the lessons which should be learned from the Southern Gas Corridor at the International Conference on Energy Reality in South East Europe. Read more

April 2012

Ana Stanič discusses Nuclear Safety Post Fukushima at the International Energy Security Conference held in Geneva. Read more

April 2012

Ana Stanic is appointed Visiting Professor of Energy Law at the Central European University in Budapest.

December 2011

Ana Stanič commented on the New Arbitration Rules of the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce at the 19th Annual Arbitration and Mediation days of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce held in Zagreb, 1-2 December 2011.

November 2011

Ana Stanič spoke on the Regulatory Risk associated with Transit Pipelines and Ways to Minimise it at the first Gastech Specialist Conference on Energy Infrastructure held in Rome. Read more

March 2011

Ana Stanič spoke on the Europeanisation of EU Energy Policy at the Strategic Energy Conference in Ljubljana.
Read more (.pdf, 156Kb)

August 2011

Ana Stanič has been appointed on the Steering Committee of Gastech’s European Gas Infrastructure for Interconnectivity and Interoperability Forum taking place from 29 November to 1 December in Rome, for further details regarding the Conference see http://www.eugasinfrastructureforum.com/

March 2011

Ana Stanič spoke on the Europeanisation of EU Energy Policy at the Strategic Energy Conference in Ljubljana.
Read more (.pdf, 156Kb)

January 2011

Ana Stanič discusses the proposed EU Directive on the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel in the February 2011 issue of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law.

December 2010

Ana Stanič discussed the recent investment arbitrations at the Annual Croatian Arbitration and Mediation Days in Zagreb

October 2010

Ana Stanič spoke on Lessons for States Concerning Investments in the Energy Sector in Serbia

September 2010

Ana Stanič spoke on the Europeanisation of EU Energy Policy at the Strategic Energy Conference in Ljubljana

Ana Stanič addressed Chinese lawyers at Beijing Arbitration Commission on Challenging Arbitrators and Duty of Counsel

June 2010

Ana Stanič discussed EU Rules Concerning Gas Infrastructure and TSO Certification and Their Impact on Investment at the Annual Energy Conference of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London: http://www.biicl.org/events/view/-/id/465/.

May 2010

Ana Stanič discussed the proposed revisions to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in the New Law Journal.

March 2010

In her presentation at the Annual Conference of Energetika.net on the key provisions of EU’s Third Energy Package Ana Stanic discusses inter alia the three options for effective unbundling. For details of the conference see http://www.energetika.net/novice/clanki/enkonferenca-leto-2010-bo. For copy of the presentations go to http://www.energetika.net/novice/clanki/enkonferenca-leto-2010-bo.

January 2010

In a reference from the English High Court for a preliminary ruling, the European Court of Justice held in Uniplex (UK) Ltd v NHS Business Services Authority (C 406/08) that the EC Directive 89/665 (on co-ordination of laws, etc, relating to the application of review procedures to the award of public supply and public works contracts) required the period for bringing public procurement infringement proceedings to begin on the date on which the claimant knew, or ought to have known, of the alleged infringement – and not on the date of the alleged infringement. The Court held that Article 1(1) of the Directive requires Member States to guarantee that unlawful decisions can be subjected to effective review and that this could only be done if the period laid down for bringing infringement proceedings started to run from the date on which the claimant knew, or ought to have known, of the alleged infringement. Whilst acknowledging that Member States had the power to set the period within which infringement proceedings could be brought, the Court held that a limitation period, the duration of which is placed at the discretion of the competent court, is not predictable in its effects and is, therefore, contrary to the EU principle of legal certainty. Ana Stanic was involved in this case. This case is expected to have implications for all EU law judicial review cases as well as procurement cases. The text of the judgment, please visit: http://curia.europa.eu/jurisp/cgi-bin/form.pl?lang=EN&Submit=Submit&numaff=C-406/08.

December 2009

Ana Stanič opened the first working sessions of the Croatian Arbitration and Mediation Days in Zagreb 3-4 December and speaks on Challenging Arbitrators and Duty of Counsel.

September 2009

Ana Stanič took part in the Round Table discussion concerning Best Practice on Conflicts in International Arbitration - A Way Forward at 13th Investment Treaty Forum organised by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London.

Ana Stanic presents the key provisions of the EU Directive on Nuclear Safety at the Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2020 in Slovenia.

July 2009

Ana Stanič discussed the key provisions of the EU Third Energy Package at the International Conference on Energy and Responsibility, Slovenia, 1-3 July 2009. More

April 2009

Ana Stanič spoke on the advantages of arbitration at a Conference in Doha, Qatar

Ana Stanič lectured on international investment law and bilateral investment treaty arbitrations at the University of London.

February 2009

Ana Stanič discussed the Russian-Ukrainian gas dispute in the Infrastructure Journal on 23 February.
Read more. (.pdf, 52Kb)

Ana Stanic discussed Nabucco, North and South Stream and EU energy security in the leading Slovenian newspaper Delo.
Read more. (.pdf, 210Kb)

December 2008

Advising and Representing Uniplex (UK) Limited on a Reference to the European Court of Justice against the UK which raises important issues concerning the implementation of EU public procurement rules by a member state and, in particular, the right to an effective remedy in case of an infringement of such rules. The case concerns the importance of the tender’s knowledge of the breach of the public procurement rules in determining when the limitation period for commencing infringement proceedings should start running.

September 2008

Ana Stanič spoke at the Conference marking the 10 Anniversary of the Energy Charter Treaty organised by the Energy Charter Treaty Secretariat and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, held in London on 18 and 19 September. She discussed the recent transit disputes between Russia and Ukraine and Russia and Belarus and their impact on EU’s energy security. More

April 2008

Appointed Assistant Professor at Notre Dame University to teach international commercial arbitration at the London branch of the University.

December 2007

Advising and Representing Mr Horvath on a Reference to the European Court of Justice against the UK which raises important issues concerning the internal allocation of powers in member states and the application of the EC general principle of non-discrimination and equality. The case concerns alleged discriminatory and unlawful action by the UK against English farmers in its implementation of an EC common agricultural policy Regulation governing the entitlement of farmers to a minimum income for farming.

Regulated by the Bar Standards Board.