- Brexit and Energy Law: Implications and Opportunities, Ana Stanič and Silke Goldberg (eds), Routledge, 2023.
- The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU: Intra-EU BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Multilateral Investment Court, Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič (eds), WoltersKluwer, 2020.
- Impact of Brexit on UK’s Renewable Energy and Climate Change Policies, a chapter co-authored with Julian Bowden in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- Energy Disputes and Arbitration: post-Brexit, a chapter co-authored with Wendy Miles KC in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- EU price cap fails to address potential existential threat, Petroleum Economist, December 2022 (link).
- Energija je lahko razlog za vojno. Lahko je tudi razlog za sklenitev miru (Energy can be the Cause of War but it can also be the Basis for Peace), Delo newspaper, Slovenia, 4 June 2022 (pdf).
- Does the Advocate General’s Opinion Provide Clarity on the Validity of Intra-EU ECT Investor-State Arbitral Awards?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 11 December 2020 (link).
- EU Public Policy, Enforcement of awards and Nord Stream 2, a chapter co-authored with Clemens Treichl in an article entitled The Vienna Propositions for Safeguarding Public Interest, Public Policy, Competition and Insolvency in International Arbitration (Pitkowitz et al.), Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration 2021 (pdf).
- The challenges facing Eastern Mediterranean gas and how international law can help overcome them, co-authored with Sohbet Karbuz, The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, Taylor&Francis online, 30 October 2020 (link).
- The EU's Hydrogen strategy: good start, but only a start, co-authored with Alex Barnes, Natural Gas World - Gas Transitions Edition, Vol. 1, Issue 7, August 2020 (link).
- Enforcement of Awards and Other Implications of Achmea, a chapter in The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU: Intra-EU BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Multilateral Investment Court, co-edited by Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič, WoltersKluwer, July 2020 (link).
- The Commercial Challenges Facing Eastern Mediterranean Gas, co-authored with Sohbet Karbuz, OGEL 3 (2020), in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) (pdf).
- LNG and gas price reviews in the EU: Lessons for Japan, Japan Oil and Gas Metal Corporation, April 2019 (pdf).
- Legal Eagles Focus on Gas, Natural Gas World Magazine, 24 January 2019 (link).
- Review of national rules for the protection of infrastructure relevant for security of supply, Final Report, July 2018 (pdf).
- Chapter on drafting and negotiating financing clauses in investment agreements in the energy sector, Handbook on General Provisions Applicable to Investment Agreements in the Energy Sector, International Energy Charter, Special Paper Series, January 2018 (pdf).
- Global Gas Perspectives: Will US LNG Remain Priced Out of Europe?, Natural Gas World Magazine, 14 July 2017 (pdf).
- Security of Supply, IGAs and Energy Union, Natural Gas World Magazine, Vol 2, Issue 11, 5 June 2017 (pdf).
- Energy Union, Security of Supply and
IGAs: Latest developments in EU law impacting gas, Flame, 3 May 2017 (link).
- EU’s Desire to Become Independent of Russian Gas is Unnecessary,, 6 February 2017 (pdf).
- EU-Russia Relations Through the Prism of EU Law, Global Energy Debates and the Eastern Mediterranean, PRIO Cyprus Centre, November 2016 (pdf).
- Overview of EU Energy Law, Legal Aspects of EU Energy Regulation, Oxford University Press, October 2016 (pdf).
- Gas Strategies Interview: Ana Stanič (pdf).
- MEPs seek ambitious position on IGA transparency (pdf).
- Increased Regulatory Risk in the EU, Naš Stik (Slovenian electricity industry magazine) (link).
- Energy and Environmental Law, Lawyer Monthly, Issue 71-16 (pdf).
- EU Energy Law: Increased Regulatory Risk and Ways to Reduce It, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2016, 11th Edition (pdf).
- EU Law: Deterring Energy Investments and a Source of Friction, Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration, 2015
- Does the EU nuclear safety directive risk fragmenting international standards World Nuclear News, November 2014.
- Four Lessons the EU should learn regarding Energy Security, Chatham House’s Journal (pdf).
- Sprejeta okvirna evropska politika za podnebje in
energijo 2020-2030 (EU Adopts the Green Paper on Climate and Energy for
2020-2030, Nas Stik, 1/2014) (pdf).
- Key Developments in EU Oil and Gas Law in 2014, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Oil & Gas Regulation 2014 Edition ( (pdf).
- Slovenia and South Stream Project (pdf).
- Georgia applies to the Energy Community (pdf).
- Europeanising EU Energy Policy, 2011 (5) OGEL (pdf).
- A Step Closer to EU Law on the Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel, (2011) 29(1) Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law(pdf).
- EU Law on Nuclear Safety, (2010) 28(1) Journal of Energy and Resource Law 145 (pdf).
- The new Ukrainian-Russian gas deal, Infrastructure Journal, 23 February 2009 (pdf).
- Nabucco, South and North Stream and EU Energy Security, Delo, Februar 2009 (pdf).
- Changes in the European Gas Market and Price Review Arbitrations, special edition of the Journal of Energy and Resource Law on Energy Disputes, August 2007 (pdf).
- The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU: Intra-EU BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Multilateral Investment Court, Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič (eds), WoltersKluwer, 2020.
- Energy Disputes and Arbitration: post-Brexit, a chapter co-authored with Wendy Miles KC in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- Does the Advocate General’s Opinion Provide Clarity on the Validity of Intra-EU ECT Investor-State Arbitral Awards?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 11 December 2020 (link).
- Enforcement of Awards and Other Implications of Achmea, a chapter in The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU: Intra-EU BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Multilateral Investment Court, co-edited by Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič, WoltersKluwer, July 2020 (link).
- EU Public Policy, Enforcement of awards and Nord Stream 2, a chapter co-authored with Clemens Treichl in an article entitled The Vienna Propositions for Safeguarding Public Interest, Public Policy, Competition and Insolvency in International Arbitration (Pitkowitz et al.), Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration 2021 (the article is available upon request at:
- Report on the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation, co-authored with Joachim Delaney, December 2020 (pdf).
- How to Maximise Investor Protection Post-Achmea and Post-Brexit, a chapter in International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG), Investor-State Arbitration Laws and Regulations 2021 edition, 16 November 2020 (link).
- ICSID Trumps State Aid in the UK but Uncertainty Remains Regarding Enforcement of New York Convention Awards in post-Brexit UK, European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL), Vol 19 (2020), Issue 2, July 2020 (pdf).
- Enforcement of Awards and Other Implications of Achmea, a chapter in The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU: Intra-EU BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Multilateral Investment Court, co-edited by Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič, WoltersKluwer, July 2020 (link).
- What Can Arbitration and Human Rights as Mechanisms of Dispute Resolution Learn from Each Other in Order to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change?, ICCA Sydney 2018 Congress Book, 24 December 2019 (pdf).
- Europski sud: Recentne odluke idu naruku Hrvatskoj u arbitražama, Lider, 3 August 2018. Article is available in Croatian (pdf).
- The Role of a Lawyer in Arbitration (Vloga odvetnika v arbitražnem postopku), Slovenian arbitration days (pdf).
- Challenging Arbitrators and the Importance of Disclosure: Recent Cases and Reflections, [2009] 16 Croatian Arbitration Yearbook 205 (link).
- Changes in the European Gas Market and Price Review Arbitrations, special edition of the Journal of Energy and Resource Law on Energy Disputes, August 2007 (pdf).
Public International Law
- The challenges facing Eastern Mediterranean gas and how international law can help overcome them, co-authored with Sohbet Karbuz, The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, Taylor&Francis online, 30 October 2020 (link).
- The Commercial Challenges Facing Eastern Mediterranean Gas, co-authored with Sohbet Karbuz, OGEL 3 (2020), in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) (pdf).
- The ICJ Awards Sovereignty over Four Caribbean Sea Islands to Honduras, American Society of International law Insights, October 2007 (pdf).
- Fat cats beware- US/UK extradition treaty, New Law Journal, 16 March 2007 (pdf).
- Case review: Bustani v. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, [2004] AJIL 810 (pdf).
- Doing Business in Uzbekistan - A Guide to its Foreign Investment Framework, [2003] J World Investment 1047 (pdf).
- A Guide to International Rules for the Transportation of Oil and Gas: a Particular Look at the Caspian Region in Oil and Gas Law of Kazakhstan: National and International Perspectives, Kluwer International, 2003 (pdf).
- Financial Aspects of State Succession: the Yugoslav case, [2001] EJIL 751 (pdf).
Environment and Climate Change
- Impact of Brexit on UK’s Renewable Energy and Climate Change Policies, a chapter co-authored with Julian Bowden in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- The EU's Hydrogen strategy: good start, but only a start, co-authored with Alex Barnes, Natural Gas World - Gas Transitions Edition, Vol. 1, Issue 7, August 2020 (link).
- Skladnost sprememb slovenske okoljske zakonodaje z evropskim pravom je vprašljiva, Odvetnik, July 2020. Article is available in Slovene (pdf).
- What Can Arbitration and Human Rights as Mechanisms of Dispute Resolution Learn from Each Other in Order to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change?, ICCA Sydney 2018 Congress Book, 24 December 2019 (pdf).
- Sodišča so nova frontna črta boja s podnebnimi spremembami, Finance, 21 February 2019, Article is available in Slovenian (link).
- Courts are the new front line in climate change action, CER, 18 February 2019 (link).
- Legal Eagles Focus on Gas, Natural Gas World Magazine, 24 January 2019 (link).
- The Microplastic Threat to Our Oceans, Resurgence & Ecologist, May/June 2016 (pdf).
- Komaj vidna, a nevarnejša, kot si mislimo, Delo, May 2016. Article is available in Slovene (pdf).
- In Search of the Unseen, Ecologist, February 2016 (link).
European Union
- Neskladje z evropsko zakonodajo povzroča veliko škodo (Inconsistency with EU law causes significant costs to Slovenian companies), Delo (Slovenian newspaper), 13 January 2024 (link).
- Brexit and Energy Law: Implications and OpportunitiesAna Stanič and Silke Goldberg (eds), Routledge, 2023.
- Impact of Brexit on UK’s Renewable Energy and Climate Change Policies, a chapter co-authored with Julian Bowden in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- Energy Disputes and Arbitration: post-Brexit, a chapter co-authored with Wendy Miles KC in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- EU price cap fails to address potential existential threat, Petroleum Economist, December 2022 (link).
- Izzivi uporabe prava EU v vsakdanjem življenju (Challenges of Applying EU Law in Everyday Life). Slovenska pravna konferenca »Ustvarjajmo povezani« – Zbornik. Paper is available in Slovene, published March 2022 (link).
- FDI Screening Laws of EU Countries to have significant implications on Investors and Transactions, co-authored with Yan Gao, China Law & Reference, Wolters Kluwer, August 2020 (link).
- ICSID Trumps State Aid in the UK but Uncertainty Remains Regarding Enforcement of New York Convention Awards in post-Brexit UK, European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL), Vol 19 (2020), Issue 2, July 2020 (pdf).
- Enforcement of Awards and Other Implications of Achmea, a chapter in The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU: Intra-EU BITs, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Multilateral Investment Court, co-edited by Crina Baltag and Ana Stanič, WoltersKluwer, July 2020 (link)
- State aid to help mitigate the effects of Covid-19: a comparison of European and Slovenian measures, Pravna praksa, No. 24-25, June 2020. The article is available in Slovene (pdf).
- Interview: Nujno bo strateško razmišljanje o novi prihodnosti, Naš stik, 8 June 2020. Interview is available in Slovene (pdf).
- Interview: Pravnica Ana Stanič - Slovenija mora nujno sprejeti učinkovite ukrepe državnih pomoči,, 27 May 2020. Interview is available in Slovene (pdf).
- Interview: V času epidemije, ko bi likvidnostna pomoč morala biti hitra, smo padli na izpitu, Mladina, 22 May 2020. Interview is available in Slovene (pdf).
- Brexit and Energy Law: Implications and Opportunities, Ana Stanič and Silke Goldberg (eds), Routledge, 2023.
- Impact of Brexit on UK’s Renewable Energy and Climate Change Policies, a chapter co-authored with Julian Bowden in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- Energy Disputes and Arbitration: post-Brexit, a chapter co-authored with Wendy Miles KC in Brexit and Energy: Implications and Opportunities, Routledge, 2023.
- How to Maximise Investor Protection Post-Achmea and Post-Brexit, a chapter in International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG), Investor-State Arbitration Laws and Regulations 2021 edition, 16 November 2020 (pdf).
- Slovenke v Londonu: kakšno je življenje v senci brexita, Finance, 29 April 2019. Article is available in Slovenian (link).
- Spain, Argentina: Who will be next to stake a claim in Brexit, CITYAM, 13 April 2017 (link).
- Brexit: Tectonic Changes in Europe, MQ Magazin, October 2016 (Available in Slovene: (pdf).
- Forget Norway: Canada-plus is the best Brexit deal Britain can achieve, CITYAM, 30 August 2016 (link).
- Getting the Best from the UK/EU Divorce, Natural Gas Europe (link).
- Brexit May Be Good News for Arbitration, June 2016 (pdf) (link).
- Interview: Razkorak med politiki in ljudmi, Primorske novice, 30 April 2019. Interview is available in Slovene (pdf).
- Ana Stanič, odvetnica, Mladina, a leading Slovenian journal. Interview is available in Slovene, June 2016 (pdf).
In Chinese
- FDI Screening Laws of EU Countries to have significant implications on Investors and Transactions, co-authored with Yan Gao, Wolters Kluwer, China Law & Reference, August 2020 (link).
- Brexit May Be Good News for Arbitration, Chinese Legal Daily, June 2016 (pdf) (link).
- EU Energy Law - Increased Regulatory Risks and Ways to Reduce it, Arbitration and Law, No 131 Volume, May 2016 (pdf)
- Investing in European Union's Energy Sector - Rise of Regulatory Risk and Ways to Minimize it (pdf).
- EU Energy Investment, China Energy Law Study Report, reprinted in 2015 (pdf).
- Does the EU Nuclear Safety Directive Risk Defragmenting International Standards?, first published in World Nuclear News, 2014 (pdf).
Regulated by the Bar Standards Board.