International Law
- Public international law and in particular concerning investment treaty protection, state immunity, state succession and maritime law
- Conflicts of law
Representative matters:
- Maritime Dispute: advising on maritime boundary disputes and questions concerning exploitation of straddling gas reserves in Europe, East Mediterranean and Africa
- Inter-State Disputes: advised on two inter-state disputes
- BITs and Free Trade Agreements: member of the Slovenian government team which negotiated Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements
- Sovereign Immunity: advising states and financial institutions on issues of sovereign immunity and customary international law in proceedings brought in US and UK courts
- Climate Change and environment: member of task force of Energy Charter Secretariat revising IGA and HGA; advising on EU and international law issues concerning climate change and plastics in oceans, member of ICC Task Force on Arbitration and Climate Change
- Self determination: advising on the right to self determination and inter-relationship with EU law and human rights law
- Financial state succession: advising on financial state succession
- Conflicts of law: advised a multinational energy company on issues of conflicts of law, constitutional law and public international law issues arising under a power purchase agreement
Regulated by the Bar Standards Board.